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Catatan Kuliah: Parts of Human Body

By  Unknown     23.03     
Parts of The Body
Today I wanna share about my course, English For Nursing. My lecturer is Mr.Asih Nurakhir, S.Pd.  I have studied about Parts of Body from his class. Actually, we studied it in Elementary School, but now we study it deeply. Yeah, There is some note from the course about parts of the body.
The Head
-          Auricle                                  : Daun Telinga
-          Forehead/Freckle                    :  Dahi
-          Hair                                        : Rambut
-          Head                                     :  Kepala
-          Scalp                                      : Kulit Kepala
-          Neck                                      : Tengkuk
-          Skull                                       : Tengkorak
The Face                                                                                              The Mouth
-          Eyes                                       : Mata                                   - Tongue              : Lidah
-          Eyelashes                            : Alis                                       - Teeth/Tooth   : Gigi
-          Eyebrow                              : Bulu mata                            Molar                 : geraham
-          Eyeball                                  : bola mata                             Incisov               : Seri
-          Eyelid                                    : kelopak mata                     Canine               : taring
-          Temple                                 : Pelipis                                 -Gum                    : Gusi
-          Nose                                     : Hidung
-          Nosetrills                             : Lubang hidung                The Neck
-                        Adamsapple                       : Jakun
-                        Neck                                      : leher
-                        Nape                                     : tengkuk
-                        Throat                                   : tenggorokan
-          Lips                                        : Bibir
-          Cheek                                   : pipi
-          Chin                                       : Dagu
-          Dimple                                  : Lesung pipi
-          Pimple/Acne/Zit               : jerawat
-          Lower jaw/mandible      : rahang bawah
-          Upper jaw/maxillary       : rahang atas
-          Moustache                         : Kumis
-          Pore                                      : pori
-          Beard                                    : Janggut
Upper Extremity (hand)
-          Upper Arm                         : lengan atas
-          Forearm                               : lengan bawah
-          Elbow                                    : siku
-          Hand                                     : tangan
-          Finger                                   : jari
Little finger                         : kelingking
Pointed/index finger      : telunjuk
Middle finger                     : jari tengah
Ring finger                          : jari manis
Thumb                                  : jempol
-          Wrist                                     : pergelangan tangan
-          Armpit                                  : ketiak
-          Shoulder                              : bahu
-           Nail                                       : kuku
-          Fist                                         : kepalan tangan
-          Palm                                      : telapak tangan
The Trunk
-        Chest                                    : dada
-        Breast                                   : payudara
-        Breastbone                        : tulang dada
-        Nipple                                   : Puting
-        Navel                                    : pusar
-        Stomach                              : perut
Heart                                     : jantung
Kidney                                  : ginjal  
Small intestine                  : usus halus
Large intestine                  : usus besar
Pancreas                              : pankreas
Bile/gall                                : empedu
Gaster                                  : lambung
-            Abdomen                            : perut
-            Abdominal cavity              : rongga perut
-            Back                                       : punggung
-            Backbone                            : tulang punggung
-            Liver                                       : hati
-            Bladder                                 : kandung kemih
-  Uterus/womb                         : rahim
- Ovary                                           : ovarium
- Lungs                                           : paru-paru
- Bronchus                                    : Bronkus
- Waist/hip                                   : pinggang
Lower extremity (foot)
-          Thigh                                     : paha
-          Knee                                     : lutut
-          Shinebone                          : tulang kering
-          Calf                                        : tulang betis
-          Ankle                                    : pergelangan kaki
-          Heel                                       : tumit
-          Foot                                       : kaki
-          Leg                                         : kaki
-          Toes                                      : jari kaki
-          Buttock/bottom               : Pantat
-          Sole                                       : telapak kaki
Other Parts
-          Artery                                   : pembuluh nadi
-          Blood                                    : darah
-          Bones                                   : tulang
-          Brain                                      : otak
-          Capillary                               : kapiler
-          Coccyx                                  : tulang tungging
-          Flesh                                     : daging
-          Gland                                    : Kelenjar
-          Groin                                     : selangkangan
-          Lymph                                  : limfa
-          Muscle                                 : otot
-          Nerve                                   : saraf
-          Penis                                     : penis
-          Rib                                          : tulang rusuk
-          Skin                                        : kulit
-          Vagina                                  : Vagina

-          Vein                                       : pembuluh balik (vena)

About Unknown

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