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Catatan Kuliah: Branches of Medicine

By  Unknown     23.31     

Branches of Medicine
Do you know about anatomy, physiology, histology, pharmacology, etc? If you don’t know, I want to share my resume about that. Mr. Asih Nurakhir, S.Pd teach us about the definitons of that. Its very important for nurses to study about branches of medicine.
Anaestetic          : study about drugs that use to losing pain sensation
Anatomy             : study about the structure the part of body
Andrology           : study about male reproductive system
Bacteriology       : study about bactery
Cardiology           : study about cardiovascular/ heart
Cytology              : study about  cells
Dentistry             : study about oral
Dermatology      : study about hair and skin and its disease
Embriology         : study about development of an embrio from ovum fertilization through fetal stage
Endocrinology   : study about endocrin glands and hormon
Enzymology        : study about enzime
Epidemiology     : study about the pattern causes an effect of health and disease condition in define population
Genetic                : study about genetica, heredity
Geriatrics             : study about elderly people
Gynecology        : study about female reproductive system
Haematology     : study about bloods
Histology             : study about microscopic anatomy of tissues of living organisms
Immunology      : study about immun system
Medicine             :science or practice of the diagnosis treatment and preventions of the desease
Microbiology      : study about micrologic organism causes of disease
Neonatology      : study about new baby born
Nosology             : study about classification of disease
Obstetric             : study about pregnancy/ baby born
Oncology             : study about cancer &tumor
Orthopedic         : study about musculosceletal system/bone
Osteology           : similar with orthopedic, study about teeth, microbone and bone
Patology              : study about causes of disease
Pediatrics            : study about child
Pharmacology   : study about drugs
Physiology          : study about function of parts of body
Pneumatology  : study about lungs
Psychiatry           : study about mental disorder
Psychology         : study about human mind and behaviour
Rhinology            : study about nose
Stomatology      : study about mouth disease
Toxicology           : study about toxic
Urology                : study about urinary tract

Venerology        : study about veneral disease

About Unknown

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